“Architetture Aleatorie” (Aleatory Architectures)
explores the possibilities of a coneceptual architecture
algorithmically generated. Aleatoric with many
unpredictable consequences hidden in the mathematical
possibilities of an algorithm. That generates unexpected
sequences of possibilities. The work in not just limited to
the architecture and it includes as well urbanistic
aleatory design as well some imaginary satellite
representation of the changes on earth surface. The code
produces rhythmic sequences of abstractions, that are
generated by multiple iterations. Trigonometric
rhythms are coded into algorithm that will determine
the geometric transformations. The code produces
infinite multiple variations where any variation is
equally original.
Sequences, as digital paintings, are printed on poplar
wood, with UV technique. Poplar wood is particularly
bright and does not need any kind of white layer,
therefor wood organic lines are visible and they create a
“unique” multiple.